The Last To Die by Kelly Garrett

Watcha BookWyrms,

The Last To Die by Kelly Garrett is why I force myself to read outside my wheelhouse of fantasy and sci-fi.

I nabbed this ARC at YALC this year and decided to take a break from the fantasy genre and a little over a week ago I opened the first page. I didn't stop until I finished. From the first line I was hooked.

What Kelly does in The Last To Die is tell a story that is believable. And believability is key, for me, when I read anything outside of the magical, mystical or otherworldly. If I’m reading about the 'real' world then I want the story, the plot, the characters, the pace of the book to be real. I want to be able to imagine that this could be happening to me, or someone I know. I want it to slide into the world around me without raising too many questions.

And Kelly has done this.

So let’s get to the review, shall we?

Firstly the cover art is perfection! A single house surrounded by water! A metaphoric image for the content of the story, if I ever saw one. It is striking and it was the first thing that drew me to the book - the back of the book was the second:

This is the blurb:


It all started out as a game.

Just a way to have fun. We figured as long as we had rules, it wouldn't be a problem.

Rule #1: Only break into one another houses.

Rule #2: Only take stuff that can be replaced.

It worked for a while. Whoever's turn it was to break in got a rush, and the rest of us laughed over the trophies they brought back. But then someone went too far. Lives were ruined. Someone is dead.

And I might be next.


Intriguing isn't it?

The story is told from Harper's POV and she is the kind of heroine I love (and secretly wish I was more like) and therefore love to read about. Strong, fierce, angry, smart, determined, savvy. Aiming high and working hard all while trying her best to piss of every authoritative figure she comes into contact with. I am here for this kind of female lead. She is also experiencing everything I remember about being a teenager; the pressure, the anger, the anxiety, the drive; the need to be more and to rail against every construct presented. To stick to her guns and convictions, even if everyone else tells her she is wrong, or maybe it's especially when those around her disagree?

But Harper has heart and Kelly gives her a real character arc which is something I have seen others fail to achieve. Harper grows, she starts to look beyond herself.

Even though the story is told by Harper we get to meet a diverse and inclusive cast of characters which I think is so very important for readers, especially YA readers. We all want to see ourselves represented on the pages, and Kelly gives us that in the form of dysfunctional families and sweet siblings.

(Sidebar - I've got a soft spot for Gin; which I am sure was Kelly's intention!)

The book is only 220 pages long but the story unfolds in small pockets of days and times - which really helps to keep you focused on the chronology of the events that weave their way across the pages.

There is enough description to help the reader ground themselves in this ‘richer side of town’ story but not too much that you grow weary of all the bling and glitz. Kelly immerses you into Harper’s world but doesn't overload you with needless, unnecessary brand dropping.

Everything in the story is relevant to the story, which I respect. There is no pointless waffle, which makes the mystery aspect even greater, because the hints and clues about what is really going on are there in the pages, but not shrouded by worthless content. You have to pay attention to keep up.

As I said I'm not dropping any spoilers here (this is a safe space!) but I have to say that the ending to The Last To Die got me! I had no idea how it was going to play out in the end - oh I had my top pick for who would be the ultimate villain of the piece but I was so wrong, which is just a sign of brilliant storytelling.

Also I just need to tip my hat to Kelly here about the final scene of the book because it is rare for a book to deal with the real life consequences of their characters actions and Kelly has ensured a really realistic and true to life ending which I really appreciated.

All in all this was a binge worthy read that I needed to know the ending to almost as soon as I read the first few pages.

You can pre-order the reprint with the new cover from all the usual places in November 2019.

Currently I am running a giveaway, with Kelly, where 2 lucky winners will win an ARC and sweet treats! Go to my instagram: @lottie.pacey to check it out and enter.

Don't forget to come back soon. Kelly was really brilliant in giving up some of her time and talking with me and I will be publishing our interview soon. You get to learn more about the author and her thoughts on her book.

Until next time, keep on reading.



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