
Showing posts from November, 2020

Into the Orange Grove by Grace Hasson - Interview with the Poet

Morning BookWyrms,  Today I want to talk about poetry - which isn't something I have spoken about on here before. This is because I am a bit particular about the kind of poetry I enjoy and like. I'm a fan of dark, deep, almost painful poems that bear the soul. I like vivid imagery and heaps of open ended interpretation. Which is why I am writing about this collection. Into the Orange Grove is a collection of poems from Grace Hasson which I recently read and posted about on my Bookstagram account.  The collection, told in three parts, really moved me and I would like to thank Grace for gifting me a copy to read and share my thoughts on. Like I said in my stories and my post - this is a powerful, real and poignant collection that touched me in many ways. I think Grace has a huge talent for being open and honest and an almost lyrical way with words. The imagery is bold and boarders on grotesque a couple of times - which I adored because I am at heart a Gothic kind of gal. But it w

The Doors of Riverdell by Marianne Rosen

Evening BookWyrms,  Being part of The Doors of Riverdell launch team has been a truly brilliant and fun experience. Thank you Marianne for letting me be part of this, especially during a year that has been so fraught with bad news and constant worry. A chance to read a debut novel and chat with amazing bookstagrammers has been uplifting and soul soothing, to say the least.  Like all my reviews this will be spoiler free and contain all the links needed to order your own copy of the book.  Lets jump right in with the cover reveal and blurb: You might have seen this post before on my bookstagram page, but I am rather proud of it and so wanted to use it here, to show off this soothing and inviting cover that hints at the main stage of this novel.  And here is the back of the book, with one of the best tag lines I've seen on a contemporary family focused novel: ***** Even the most beautiful home can't guarantee happiness. Isabelle Threlfall has always called Riverdell House, in the